Do You Need a License or Permit for Duct Repair?

You may be astonished to discover that a license is necessary for proper air duct cleaning in most states. It might not come as a surprise that there are many air duct cleaning companies that don't have the right licenses. In Texas, air duct cleaners must possess an air conditioning contractor license. A permit is an official document issued by a city or county that authorizes a project.

Whether a particular project requires a permit depends on local building codes. These may differ depending on local conditions and risk factors, such as high temperatures and humidity or vulnerability to wildfires. Electrical, plumbing, and mechanical work (including air conditioner repair and replacement) often necessitates a special system permit. Most states require air duct cleaners to have a mechanical contractor license.

To acquire such a license, applicants must have the relevant education (usually, a bachelor's degree) or industry experience. This will enable them to take the mechanical contractor licensing exam, which they must pass. To learn more about the licensing requirements in your state, visit the SBA reference on state licenses and permits. The owner of an air duct cleaning company spends much of the day cleaning air ducts, a practical job that involves running tools and brushes through the ducts of air conditioning systems.

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) technicians are especially qualified to start an air duct cleaning business because they already have the technical knowledge needed to clean air ducts. An air duct cleaning company makes money by charging customers to clean the air ducts of their air conditioning systems.

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